My goal is to asynchronously pre-load both view templates and controllers after the application is running and interacting with the user, but well before the router displays the views. In a "normal" load AngularJS eager-loads the controllers and lazy-loads the view templates. I also have a way to lazy-load the controllers, so both controllers and view templates will be loaded just-in-time.
So to achieve my goal first I am going to look at the normal eager-load/lazy-load scenario, and then build on that for a pure lazy-load scenario. That will become the foundation for achieving my goal of pre-loading both controllers and view templates before they are required, but after the application is running.
Normal Controller Loading
This really depends on what your definition of "normal" is, because I am going to use RequireJS to manage the individual scripts that make up the application. In a "traditional" AngularJS application I would load all of the scripts in the correct order in the HTML document. RequireJS helps manage the dependencies between the scripts, most importantly by allowing the dependencies to be define in each script. It also reduces the script tags to just one to bootstrap the application. If you want the details of using RequireJS with Angular I wrote another post about that:
AngularJS + RequireJS.
Using RequireJS does not remove the possibility of deploying the application with a monolithic script, in fact it has a tool to combine the scripts. Often doing development with individual scripts is more manageable, but deploying with a monolithic script is cleaner. However a monolithic script can delay application startup, and in this case it would contrary to my stated goal.
My first example has two controllers and two templates and uses Angular-Route to manage them. The operations are logged to the console so that you can see the order in which they take place. I am just showing you enough here to build on as we go along. Angular is bootstrapped programmatically from main.js (not shown). The second controller and view look almost identical to the first. The project is available at the end of the article.